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Revisión actual del 18:43 9 may 2014


[root@Llawyr usr]# chfn --help

 chfn [options] [username]

 -f, --full-name <full-name>  real name
 -o, --office <office>        office number
 -p, --office-phone <phone>   office phone number
 -h, --home-phone <phone>     home phone number

 -u, --help     display this help and exit
 -v, --version  output version information and exit

For more details see chfn(1).
[root@Llawyr usr]# chfn --version
chfn from util-linux 2.24

[root@Llawyr usr]# finger Prueba
Login: Prueba         			Name: (null)
Directory: /home/Prueba             	Shell: /bin/bash
Never logged in.
No mail.
No Plan.

[root@Llawyr usr]# chfn Prueba
Changing finger information for Prueba.
Name []: La Buena Cuenta
Office []: Install Fest
Office Phone []: 33 3145 2638
Home Phone []: 3333 777 505

Finger information changed.

[root@Llawyr usr]# finger Prueba
Login: Prueba         			Name: La Buena Cuenta
Directory: /home/Prueba             	Shell: /bin/bash
Office: Install Fest, 33 3145 2638	Home Phone: 3333 777 505
Never logged in.
No mail.
No Plan.

[root@Llawyr usr]# grep Prueba /etc/passwd
Prueba:x:501:501:La Buena Cuenta,Install Fest,33 3145 2638,3333 777 505:/home/Prueba:/bin/bash